Key Factors in How Fast You Age

minimalist training1Aging takes place in the body over time. It is a complex process that involves a very wide number of our bodily systems.

Exercise is a critical component in the anti-aging war and no other exercise comes close to offering you the level of benefits to your overall health than resistance training…sometimes called strength training…does.

It’s important to understand that muscle mass tissue is highly involved with the immune system. If you lose muscle mass, you will see a decline in immune function. [Read more…]

Minimalist Training Your Road to Fast Effective Results

minimalist trainingFor the most effective use of your time and your energy, you should be focused on doing the minimum amount of training while getting the maximum benefits/results from it.

However, that doesn’t mean hitting the gym 6 days a week or more just because your perception, like most others is…”more is more” right?


The truth is, if you train right, you can see amazing results without having to put in 6-hour long work-outs ever again.

It’s called “minimalist exercise” and my “Minimalist Exercise Program” teaches you why less is more and what you need to be doing in order to create a workout that “counts” as actual fitness-improving exercise. [Read more…]